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Monday, 16 January 2017 12:57

The Iran deal is working and we need to maintain it

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The Iran deal is working

The Iran deal is working and we need to maintain it

16 Jan 2017 - High-Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini issued a statement on the anniversary of Iran nuclear deal calling for commitment of all its signatories to its  implementation and commitment to the deal. The statement was given to Iran Daily. The text of her statement follows.

Exactly one year ago, the 16th of January 2016, the European Union, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Iran started the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear programme. It was the result of brave choices, political leadership, collective determination and hard work. After one year, we can clearly say that the Iran Deal is working, and we need to maintain it.

To those critics who have raised concerns, both about the terms of the agreement,  or about the very idea of having an agreement at all with Iran, I say that it is time to have a close look at the facts.

The agreement has first of all already paid off in addressing a highly contentious and longstanding dispute in a peaceful manner. In its absence, today we might be facing one more military conflict, in a region that is already far too destabilised.

The deal, one year after its implementation, is delivering on its main purpose: ensuring the purely peaceful, civilian nature of Iran's nuclear program. The International Atomic Energy Agency – the United Nations' nuclear watchdog – has issued four reports on the matter and has regularly verified that Iran is complying with its nuclear-related obligations. This means that the Iranian nuclear programme was significantly reformatted, downsized and is now subject to intense monitoring by the IAEA. The Joint Commission – which I coordinate – oversees constantly the implementation of the agreement, meeting regularly, allowing us to detect even minor possible deviations and to take necessary corrective measures if the need arises.

The deal is also working for Iran. Major companies are investing in the country: the oil sector, the automotive industry, commercial aircraft, just to give a few examples, are areas where significant contracts have been concluded. The International Monetary Fund has forecasted real GDP growth in Iran to rebound to 6.6% in 2016/17. 

More work is for sure needed, including domestic economic reforms, to make these positive results trickle down more and more to the Iranian population, especially its youth. But the trend is absolutely clear, and progress undeniable. Trade between the EU and Iran has risen by a staggering 63% over the first three quarters of last year. After more than 30 years of a diplomatic ice age, the EU and Iran are also discussing cooperation on matters as diverse as the economy, the protection of the environment, migration, culture - and the list could continue.

Therefore and despite some of the criticism which sometimes deceitfully stresses its perceived shortcomings and easily overlooks its proven benefits,  it is important to state very clearly: the nuclear deal with Iran is working. 

And there should be no doubts that the EU stands firmly by the deal, which is a multilateral endeavour. It was born out of the efforts of the E3/EU+3 and Iran, but it now belongs to the entire international community, through its endorsement by the UN Security Council. 

Without the agreement, the regional situation would be even more alarming. And we would be losing a historic opportunity if we missed the chance to build a more cooperative regional environment. 

Against a dramatic regional background, the nuclear deal is a glimpse of what could be possible in our relations, and in addressing the conflicts affecting the region in a cooperative manner.

So today we can mark the one-year anniversary of the start of the implementation of the nuclear deal clearly saying that it is working, thanks to the commitment and determination of all. And we can start 2017 reaffirming our strong collective interest to live up to the commitments we have all made, building security not only for the region but also for the entire world.


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