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Saturday, 31 October 2020 07:37

IsDB launches Mapping Research and Innovation

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IsDB launches Mapping Research and Innovation in the Republic of Uzbekistan in partnership with UNESCO

27 October 2020

Today, the IsDB, in partnership with UNESCO, launched the publication: Mapping Research and Innovation in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as part of the UNESCO GO-SPIN country profiles series.

The IsDB and UNESCO have made joint efforts to support UNESCO Member States in strengthening national STI systems and building robust, evidence-based and inclusive STI policies. As part of this initiative, the publication “Mapping Research and Innovation in the Republic of Uzbekistan” was launched in English, Russian and Uzbek. 

IsDB partnered with UNESCO in 2019, to strengthen the STI Policymaking cycle and reinforce the capacity of Uzbekistan to develop, implement and monitor gender responsive STI policies capable of contributing to SDGs. A thorough analysis of Uzbekistan’s STI ecosystem was undertaken under this partnership, using the methodology of UNESCO’s Global Observatory for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments (GO-SPIN). Technical studies, missions and stakeholder engagements were conducted including a high-level workshop, which allowed identification of strategic areas for investment in Uzbekistan.

The aim of the launch was to discuss key findings and recommendations of the report aimed at fostering STI development in Uzbekistan, as well as its contribution in the development of the national STI policy towards achieving the national development priorities and SDGs.

This project forms part of IsDB’s wider commitment in unlocking the potential of STI, which has seen H.E. Dr Bandar Hajjar put science, technology and innovation at the heart of the Bank’s strategy to support Member Countries.


Read 827 times Last modified on Saturday, 31 October 2020 07:37