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Sunday, 21 February 2021 19:01

Systematization of legislation in Uzbekistan: Results and prospects

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Systematization of legislation in Uzbekistan: Results and prospects

One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Justice is the systematization of legislation in all spheres, revision of the adopted legislative documents in Uzbekistan and their harmonization with the present day.

The number of regulatory legal acts adopted as part of the implementation of the Strategy of Actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and dynamic changes in national legislation has significantly increased.

In particular more than 26. 630 normative-legal acts were placed to the national base ( till September, 2020.

Nearly 1,900 documents of that consist of decisions are the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Resolutions of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis.
24 735 are legislative acts, that are Decrees and Resolutions of the President, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Orders and Resolutions of ministries, departments and agencies of the State, Resolutions of local governmental bodies.

More than 90 percent of the normative legal acts placed on the national base are legislative acts.

498 documents and 121 documents adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were abolished and amended in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to improve the business environment in the country through the introduction of a system of reconsideration of legislative documents that have lost their importance” from September 27,2020.

At the first stage, about 500 Decrees and Resolutions of the President were abolished. The work is ongoing in this direction.

More than 2,000 outdated and obsolete government decisions were critically analyzed as a result of the census. Proposals to abolish them are being developed.

It is also indicated that the Ministry of Justice will develop a Road Map to systematize the legislation governing the activities of government agencies. The total of 2,500 of legislation acts will be reviewed and declared invalid according to this Road Map. As a result, the existing legal framework will be reduced by 10%.

It should be noted that, the process of rulemaking, i.e. the improvement of legislation acts drafting is being developed along with the systematization of existing legislation in Uzbekistan. At the same time, extensive use of modern information and communication technologies in the assessment of regulatory impact has been widely used.

At the moment, by using the portal for discussion of draft regulations ( the regulatory impact assessment of these drafts is carried out by the agencies and organizations that developed them. At present, the drafts of Decrees and Resolutions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan are posted on the portal for discussion of draft regulations ( The suggestions made by citizens during the discussions play an important role in further improving these documents.

In addition, in order to assess the regulatory impact of the current regulatory documents an electronic platform for legal monitoring was created. Also, the assessment of the regulatory impact of the decisions of local government authorities is carried out by using the unified electronic system “E-Qaror”.

That is, at the stages of public discussion of normative legal act draft, it’s interagency agreement and legal expertise, the analytical materials on problem analysis, ways of solving it, assessing its impact on competition, including the impact of regulation, which provides for the analysis of benefits and costs for citizens and business entities, will be added to the draft.

These measures will help to increase the business environment and investment attractiveness of Uzbekistan. It also provides an opportunity for effective and open dialogue with business circles and representatives of the general public to further simplify the national legislative framework.

Source: Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tehran

Read 690 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 February 2021 19:24