Hisarcıklıoğlu explains key points of entrepreneurship at G3 Forum
08.11.2018 / İstanbul- TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his speech at the 8th Entrepreneurs Power of the Future Forum (G3), said, “You must keep your eyes on the world and try to learn a foreign language. Learn to work together. Every job starts with a dream; imagine and go after your dreams.”
Explaining the key points of entrepreneurship at the 8th Entrepreneurs Power of the Future Forum, moderated by journalist Vahap Munyar the TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, pointing out that this forum is one of the most institutional entrepreneurship activities in Turkey and said, “It is easy access to information in this age. I mean, there's no problem with know-how. The main point is to get to know the right people, to set up a network. That is the where we provide know-how. We introduce Turkey's star with entrepreneurs with candidate entrepreneurs.”
While thanking those who contributed to this event, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I would like to thank Ali Sabancı, the Chairman of the Young Entrepreneurship Board, Gülden Yılmaz, G-3 Platform President, HABITAT President Sezai Hazır and TURKCELL. I would also like to congratulate the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, women and young entrepreneurs, and all of our chambers-exchanges, who supported this event.”
- Transformation throughout the world
TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said: “There is a great transformation in the world. The borders of a country used to mean a lot. Today, the borders of a country have lost their old meaning. It is possible to reach anywhere with internet. Everybody's connected. In other words, everyone has become part of a whole. Global value chains were formed.” Hisarcıklıoğlu, giving an example of iPhone, pointed out that although it was a US company, parts were produced in 30 different countries. “This provides an opportunity for developing countries. In their own countries, production capacity is established. The shift of the center of gravity of the global economy from the west to the east is related to this,” said Hisarcıklıoğlu and pointed out the second big change was experienced in companies.
- Intellectual labor has replaced physical labor
Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that intellectual labor has replaced physical labor, and that companies of old have left their places to the new generation. The TOBB President stated that in the last 10 years, energy companies were replaced by tech companies throughout the world, “So what is happens to those who cannot keep up with this change? They fall, unable to keep up with change. The lesson must be learned: those who can’t keep up with the change, lose. While all of this is happening in the world, what are we busy with? The world is discussing artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, clean energy and genetics research, but people in Turkey are talking politics, sports, gossip and TV series. What people focus on is what they’ll make progress in. The world discusses the 21st Century issues and prepares itself for a post-industrial revolution. We need to keep up with all this. We can't produce technology if we don't produce science. We are experiencing some difficulties in the economy. But remember this. In the last 25 years, we have experienced five important economic crises. We've overcome them all; we've moved on. We will not be outdone this time either. Trust your country and yourself. We will overcome this troubled period and continue on the road.”
- Recommendations from Hisarcıklıoğlu
Speaking at the forum, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The know-how business is sorted, what is important know is reaching the right person, that is, the know-who.” Sharing his own entrepreneurship story at the forum, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “When I was 7 years old in primary school, my father wanted to send me to a boarding school in Ankara. He asked me to learn English. I was the only child and nobody wanted me to go. I came to Kayseri during the holidays. I spent 3.5 months apprenticed at the pharmacy. When the school opened, all my friends were telling me about their beach vacation. I worked every summer during my education.” Hisarcıklıoğlu stating that when he finished university, his father set up a job for him at a bank, “I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I did not want to be a salary-man, I wanted to be rich.”
Hisarcıklıoğlu went on, “Turkey had met natural gas for the first time. I observed that pipes are imported from England. Natural gas business would from Ankara to all over Turkey. I said, we should be producing these pipes. We made it, developed it and sold it. No need to be emotional. The idea was mine, I established the company but after it reached its value, we sold it and entered other fields. We made one of the first shopping centers in Ankara. I always work with experts of any given field. I keep those smarter than myself with me. My friends that I worked with when starting up are currently CEOs in large companies in Turkey. Imagination, courage, confidence and a good team: If you can build it, success comes. My father wanted me to be a good public servant, but I did not.”
- Istanbul Commodity Exchange (ISTIB) Chairman Ali Kopuz
Istanbul Commodity Exchange (ISTIB) Chairman Ali Kopuz stated that calling entrepreneurs the “power of the future” is correct insufficient, stating that entrepreneurs are not only the power of the future, but also the past.
Kopuz, highlighting the importance of the existence of the legal infrastructure to improve free entrepreneurs, enterprise and business environment, said they are making great efforts for the creation of an environment in which Turkey's entrepreneurs can grow.
- G3 Platform Chair Gülden Yılmaz
G3 Platform President Gülden Yılmaz said that they met with more than 7,000 entrepreneurs and entrepreneur candidates at the G3 Forum in the 7 years behind them and said, “Thousands of new business ideas sprouted here. Some of our participants have already begun to implement their business ideas and write their own success stories.”
- Founding Chairman of Habitat Sezai Hazır
Habitat Founding President Sezai Hazır said that as Habitat, they have provided 1.5 million people with face-to-face training with the projects they have carried out so far, and there are more than 5,000 volunteer trainers in 81 provinces.
Source: https://tobb.org.tr/Sayfalar/Eng/Detay.php?rid=23950&lst=MansetListesi