Sunday, 18 November 2018 17:36

“I don't find the law proposal to be right”

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I dont find the law

“I don't find the law proposal to be right”

13.11.2018 / Ankara- The Union of Chambers and Stock Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed disagreement with the law proposal which would allow Chamber-Exchange-Union presidents who had to leave their positions in order to take part in parliamentary representative elections to return to previous positions if they were not elected.​

Hisarcıklıoğlu’s statement is as follows:

“With a law proposal submitted to the Grand National Assembly today, the Chamber-Exchange-Union Presidents, who had to leave their posts for parliamentary or local elections, it was asked that the way be opened for them to be reinstated in their previous posts if they were not elected. I do not think this is right and I believe that the law proposal should be withdrawn.

The distinction between our office and politics is marked by a clear line. Once this line is punctured, the daily politics will permeate by the institutions we represent, from which the producers, traders and industrialists who entrust these duties to us will suffer.

The exact line between taking up a role in this community and taking part in politics must be preserved.”


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