Tuesday, 20 November 2018 12:50

1st International Export Exhibition “Made in Uzbekistan”

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Uzbek Exhibition 1

Tashkent to host International Export Exhibition “Made in Uzbekistan”

The first International Export Exhibition and Fair “Made in Uzbekistan” is to be organized from 27 to 30 November, 2018 at “Uzexpocentre” NEC in Tashkent. The event is organized by the initiative of the Ministry for Foreign Trade in cooperation with “Uzexpocentre” NEC JSC and Khokimiyat (City Hall) of Tashkent city.

The purpose and objectives of the exhibition are demonstration of export-oriented industrial products of domestic enterprises, portfolio formation of solid export contracts in advance and increase of country’s export potential, as well as the establishment of sustainable and long-term cooperation with foreign partners.

More than 150 local companies are going to participate in the event with demonstration of a wide range of domestic textile, leather, footwear, as well as, carpets, fresh, dried, processed fruits, vegetables, electrical appliances,cable products, automobiles, agricultural machinery, metallurgical, petrochemical and other manufactured products.

Moreover, the exhibition will include the thematic conferences on achievements of the industrial sector development and presentation of the export potential of industrial sectors of the national economy. At the same time, there will be opportunities for round table discussions and negotiations between business partners, registration of signed contracts as well as visits to large industrial and production enterprises.

More than a thousand representatives of consumers of local industrial products, trading companies, as well as the representatives of the main foreign trade partners of Uzbekistan, including representatives from the EU, China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, the Republic of Korea and others.

More detailed information can be found at the official website of the event – madeuz.mft.uz.

Booklet of Exhibition

CONCEPT Exhibition Made in Uzbekistan

final invitation

Made in Uzbekistan Exhibition


Source: https://www.mft.uz/en/news/MadeinUzbekistan2018

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