Sunday, 10 March 2019 15:56

Hisarcıklıoğlu met with law students

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Hisarcıklıoğlu met with law students

Hisarcıklıoğlu met with law students

07.03.2019 / Ankara- Attending the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Economics and Technology University (TOBB ETU) Law Career Days 2019, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that law is as much a basic necessity for a society as water and bread. Hisarcıklıoğlu also stressed that a well-functioning legal system is important for increasing trade and entrepreneurship.​

Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke at the Law Career Days event organized by TOBB ETU students. Quoting Emile Zola, “The honor of the Republic is justice,” the TOBB President stated that justice also forms the foundations of faith. “If the legal system works well, the sense of trust in society increases,” emphasizing the importance of trust in community institutions and law for the proper functioning of the economy. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Law, like water and bread, is a basic necessity of society. If your legal system is strong, your economy becomes stronger and prosperity increases. If your legal system works well, you can dominate the world.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said that justice stands as a pole star and everything else revolves around it. “Lawyers should not be cut off from the society. We also have a great entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs are the wealth of this community. There is no wealth without trade. The number of entrepreneurs must be high for the society to be rich. For this, the legal system must function well.

Hisarcıklıoğlu urged law students to give importance to team work and to keep honesty at the forefront of their lives.


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