Saturday, 30 July 2011 08:51

CHARTER of the Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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of the Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry

"Approved" At the regular congress of the Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry

June 27,1995



     1. The Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (hereinafter called the Azerbaijan Republic CCI or the Chamber) is an independent, nongovernmental, nonprofit public organization.

 The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall operate in accordance with the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, the present Charter and the decisions of the highest body.

    2. The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall perform its activities in cooperation with the enterprises, corporations, organizations, businessmen and their associations irrespective of the forms of property, subordination and location on the territory of the republic as well as with the businessmen from other countries and international organizations.

    The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall ensure legal protection of the interests of the businessmen before the state and its bodies, as well as the social partners before the working people’s organizations.

    3. The Azerbaijan Republic CCI is a non-profit organization, performing its commercial activities only in accordance with the functions of the Charter, and shall distribute the earned profit among the Chamber's members.

    4. The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall perform its functions through its enterprises, organizations and corporations established independently or through the republic’s structural units, or abroad.

   The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall be a juridical entity; possess separate property, may acquire on its behalf property and personal non-property rights and bear responsibility, sue and be sued in courts of law, arbitration courts and courts of referees.

   The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall be liable for its obligations with its all assets on which, in accordance with the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic recovery can be imposed.

   The State and its agencies shall not be liable for the obligations of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI, and the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall not be liable for the obligations of the State and its agencies.

   5. The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall invite and receive the economic, trade, scientific-technical and other delegations of foreign states, representatives of business circles, public organizations and other representatives of foreign states, and also shall send its representatives, economic, trade and scientific-technical delegations to foreign states, shall promote business tourism and travelling, shall organize business gatherings, symposia, conferences, congresses in this republic and foreign states.

   6. The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall have the seal with the inscription of the baton of Mercury, God of commerce, in the upper portion of which there is a crescent and eight-pointed star, symbolizing the national flag of Azerbaijan, this emblem is encircled with the name of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI in Azerbaijani.

 7. The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall have its seat in the city of Baku.







 8. The Azerbaijan Republic CCI in accordance with the above-given established provisions shall:

 a) promote production activities between the Chamber's members, represent and ensure legal protection in this country and abroad;

 b) by drawing up investments, foreign technologies, know-how, establishing joint stock companies, joint ventures, and other organizations, shall promote the development of manufacturing of competitive products;

 c) to prepare proposals and recommendations for carrying out business activities, shall set up mutual ties between the subjects of business activities and other organizations and persons concerned;

 d) analyze business activities, normative acts available in this area, give proposals and recommendations for their improvement;

 e) by using effective forms and methods characteristic of the Chamber's activities, shall perform measures for banning non-business cooperation and unscrupulous competition;

 f) promote the realization of the process of privatization;

 g) organize training of the specialists in advanced methods of business activity, including gaining of the expertise abroad;

 h) promote the development of farming, small-and medium-sized business in the Azerbaijan Republic;

 i) perform the orders of the physical and juridical persons for designing and manufacturing of the original trademarks and preparation of the application forms necessary for their registration;

 j) render services for publishing magazines, bulletins, reviews, collections, manuals, information-advertising, methodological and other printing matter on the problems within the Chamber's competence;

 k) keep the register of conscientious reliable partners;

 l) promote the development and diversification of export of goods and services, carry out operations of the enterprises, corporations, institutions on the international market, master new forms of cooperation;

 m) render consultation services, as well as carrying out the search for the partners, undertake foreign economic activities, including information services for foreign clients, adhering to the rules of the observance of the state and commercial secrets;

 n) promote the production, scientific-technical cooperation of businessmen with the foreign enterprises, organizations, firms, and also the establishment of the joint ventures, development of other forms of business activities;

 o) invite and receive the economic, scientific-technical and other delegations of foreign states, representatives of business circles, public organizations and other representatives   of foreign states, and also shall send its representatives, the

economic, trade and scientific-technical delegations to the foreign states, promote business tourism and travelling, organize the business gatherings, symposia, conferences, congresses in this republic and in foreign states;

 p) analyse, generalize and distribute information on foreign economic   activities   and   economy,   on   the activities of corporations and the unions of chambers of commerce, business circles, international economic and other organizations;

 q) organize international exhibitions, specialized commercial-and industrial, national exhibitions, exhibitions of individual firms and organizations,   participation of the Azerbaijani enterprises, joint organizations and firms in the exhibitions and fairs held abroad, aiding them in this activity;

 r)establish and develop ties with foreign business and public organizations, take   part   in   the   activities   of   various international organizations, participate as the founder in the establishment of mixed chambers of commerce;

 s) ensure services necessary for activity of foreign firms, banks, representatives of organizations, commerce on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic;

 t) carry out advertising work, perform the orders for manufacturing originals of artistic advertisements and models for physical and legal persons, including the foreign ones;

 u)promote patenting on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, inventions and industrial samples for the physical and legal persons, including the foreign ones, and also acquiring trademarks certificates, registration of the names of the firms and their addresses;

   Promote for the physical and legal persons of the Azerbaijan Republic, the realization of their rights concerning the object of property.

   Promote the realization of the same rights on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic by the physical and legal persons of foreign states.

   Promote the realization of the commercial rights for the object of property by physical and legal persons.

   v) confirm the certificates of origin for the goods exported from the Azerbaijan Republic, the accompanying documents for the same, other documents associated with foreign economic activities. Approve rules on trade and seaports accepted in the Azerbaijan Republic.

   u) organize the performing the orders of the physical and legal persons, including the foreign ones, for carrying out inspection of the exported and imported goods, examination of their quality, completeness and quantity;

   x) confirm force-majeure circumstances according to the provisions of the international commercial transactions and agreements;

   y) establish arbitration courts, average adjustment associations, approve their provisions, develop cooperation in the field of international commercial arbitration; for realization of the commercial, economic, scientific-technical ties with foreign states shall determine, recommend for application the rules of arbitration, promote carrying out the arbitration on separate issues;

 y) promote the organization of translation of economic and scientific-technical documentation and information-reference materials, as well as interpretation and written translation from foreign languages and into foreign languages;

 z) perform the functions in accordance with the aims and tasks of the Chamber that do not contradict the legislation in force.



   9. To realize the functions stipulated in para.7 of the present Charter, the Azerbaijan Republic CCI in the order established by the current legislation, shall be authorized to:

   a) build, acquire, alienate, lease and rent both in the Azerbaijan Republic and in foreign states all kinds of movable and immovable property;

   b) within its competence, conclude transactions and agreements with physical and juridical persons;

   c) set up, reorganize, and close down in the order established on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, the enterprises and organizations subordinated to the Chamber which operate on cost accounting basis, enjoying the rights of the juridical entity;

   d) given licences of the Azerbaijan Republic and the National Bank, open accounts in the banks of foreign states;

   e) determine main directions of the order of establishing volume and application of the centralized special funds set up by the Chamber;

   f) determine: methods of implementation its own economic activities, its structure the number of workers, their salary, forms and volume of material incentitives;

   g) aiming at fuller and all-sided execution of the Chamber's functions, enter into corporations, associations, unions, take part in their establishment;

   h) open its subsidiaries and representations (including in foreign states);

   i) accredit on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic foreign firms, the activities of which conforms to the CCI Charter.



   10. The Chamber has full and honorary members. The members of the Chamber shall be physical and legal persons of Azerbaijan and foreign states, operating on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, who expressed their willingness to render assistance to the CCI to fulfil the tasks facing it. The admission to the Chamber's   membership   is   effected based on the submitted application.

   The honorary   members   shall be physical persons of the Azerbaijan Republic and foreign countries who have rendered extraordinary services to the Chamber's activities.

   The honorary members are released from payment of membership fees and enjoy the right of a deliberative vote.

   11. The full members of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI in the person of their plenipotentiaries shall be authorized to:

   a) elect delegates to the Congress of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI in the order determined by the Chamber's Presidium;

   b) elect and be elected to the Chamber's governing bodies;

   c) submit proposals for the consideration of the Chamber's


   d) receive assistance in the Chamber for solving problems lying within the range of its activities;

   e) enjoy benefit of high priority in using Chamber's services, as well as of its organizations and enterprises.

12. The members of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall be authorized to:

   a) actively promote the realization of Chamber's tasks and functions;

   b) pay entrance and membership fees according to the rules confirmed by the Chamber's Presidium;

   c) realize its activities on the principles of respect for the partner, honesty, banning the cases of unconscientious business competition.

   13. The member of the Chamber may terminate his status of member by submitting a written application for withdrawal from the Chamber. In this case membership fees are paid for the year during which the membership shall be terminated. The legal person, who failed to pay membership fees during a year, may be expelled from the Chamber's membership.

   The decision on expulsion of the legal person from the membership for violating the Chamber's Charter is taken by the body which granted him the Chamber’s membership.

   14. The questions of refusal of the admittance to the Chamber's membership or the withdrawal from the Chamber's composition shall be considered by the Congress of the Chamber.



   15. The governing bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall be:

   - The Congress of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI;

   - The   Presidium of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI;

   - The President of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI.



   16. The highest governing body of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall be the Congress.

   17. The regular Congress of the Chamber shall be convoked not less than once in five years.

   To consider   urgent matters the Chamber may convoke the extraordinary Congress.

   The extraordinary Congress is convoked at the request of the Auditing commission or at the request of no less than one third of the members of the Chamber, following the decision of the Presidium.

   18. The Presidium shall notify the CCI members about the time and place of the Chamber's Congress, and also about the matters to be considered by it not later than 30 days before the convening of the Congress.

   The announcement about the convocation of the Congress shall be published in the press.

   19. The regulations of the convocation of the Chamber's Congress and the quota of representation at it shall be set up by the Presidium.

   20. The matters to be considered by the Chamber's Congress are as follows:

   a) approval of the report on the Chamber's activities and on the report of the Auditing commission;

   b) elections of the President and Presidium of the Chamber;

   c) elections of the Auditing commission of the Chamber;

   d)approval, alterations and amendments to be introduced to the Chamber's Charter;

   e) dissolution of the Chamber's activities;

   f) consideration of other questions associated with the CCI activities.

   21. The Chamber's Congress shall be considered competent provided it is attended by not less than two third of the CCI plenipotentiary representatives.

    22. The questions discussed both at   the   regular   and extraordinary congresses of the Chamber shall be decided by open voting by a simple majority of votes, except the questions concerning approval, alterations or amendments to the Chamber's Charter and dissolution of the Chamber. The decisions on these questions shall be taken if the votes cast, shall account for not less than two thirds of the delegates attending the Congress.



   23. For general management over the activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber's Congress shall elect the Presidium of the Chamber for a term of five years. The number of members of the Presidium is determined by the Chamber's Congress.

   24. According to the provisions, the Chairman of the Presidium being the President of the Chamber, shall supervise the Presidium of the Chamber. Deputy chairmen of the Presidium are elected from among the members of the Presidium and may perform their duties on a voluntary basis. The number of the deputies shall be determined by the Presidium.

   25. The Presidium may make a decision to reimburse the expenses to the members of the Presidium associated with their involvement in the work of the Presidium.

   26. The Presidium of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall:

   a) supervise the activities of the Chamber and the enterprises and organizations under its jurisdiction;

   b) issue the decree on application of the Chamber's funds, shall organize the inspection of control-auditing work, the state of accounting and reporting in the enterprises and organization under its jurisdiction;

   c) determine the main directions and forms of activities of the Chamber in realization of the Charter's provisions;

   d) accept members to the Chamber and expel from the membership;

   e) at the presentation of the Chamber's President, confirm Vice-Presidents;

   f) hear and approve the annual report, submitted by the Chamber's President on the Chamber's activities;

   g) determine normatives and the order of payment of membership fees;

   h) determine the nature of relations with business structures, which maintain cooperation with the Azerbaijan Republic;

   i) make decisions on establishing funds of the Chamber and the order of this application;

   j) approve the plans, submitted by the presentation of the Chamber's President, of the activities and financial indices of the Chamber, the reports on their execution, as well as the resolution of the Auditing commission about them;

   k) submit for the consideration of the Chamber's Congress, the report on the Chamber's activities;

   l) convoke regular and extraordinary congresses of the Chamber, carry out their decisions;

   m) elect, for the term covering the period up to the regular congress of the Chamber, the members of the Auditing commission of the Chamber in place of the members removed from it;

   n) entrust the duties of the Chamber's President in place of the removed one, upon the Vice-President for the period up to the regular or extraordinary congress;

   o) decide the questions of the Chamber's activities, submitted for consideration by the President, Auditing commission and members of the Chamber;

   p) determine methods of management, approve, upon submission by the President, structures of management, estimate of costs, rates and forms of labour remuneration and stimulating of the President   and   Vice-President;

   q) establish, dissolve and reorganize   the   corporations, enterprises    and    institutions,   including   those   located abroad, confirm Regulations (Charter) on them;

   r) establish   standing   or   interim committees, councils, commissions, sections on the problems of various areas of business activities, and also for solving separate issues, associated with the activities of the Chamber and its members, and also approve regulations on them.

   27. The sittings of the Presidium shall be convoked by the Chamber's President of necessity, not less than once every three months.

   28. The sittings of the Presidium are considered to have full powers if more than half the number of the Presidium is attending. The decisions of the Presidium are made by open voting by a simple majority of the attending members of the Chamber; in case of a tie the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

 The contracts, obligations, letters of credit and financial documents shall be signed by the President or Vice-President. The documents serving as the grounds for acceptance and paying money, commodities and materials, and also the altering credit and settlement of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI are also signed by the chief accountant or his deputy.



    30. The candidates to the post of the President of the Chamber shall be nominated at the congress by the Chamber's Presidium or by one fourth of the delegates from among the Chamber’s members.

   31. The President shall be elected at the congress of the Chamber for a five-year term.

   32. The President of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall:

   a) undertake general management of the Chamber;

   b) organize the execution of the decisions of the congresses and the Presidium and exercise control over their implementation;

   c) submit the programme of the Chamber's development for the Congress's approval;

   d) issue instructions on the application of the Chamber's resources;

   e) issue instructions and orders on the Chamber's activities;

   f) approve structure and staff schedule of the Chamber, determine amounts and the order of the remuneration of labour for its workers; approve regulations (Charters) on structural units of the Chamber, determine functions of the Vice-Presidents and officials of the Chamber;

   g) should the need arise, set up the commissions, committees, working groups, funds on the matters concerning the Chamber's activities and confirm the regulations of their activities;

   h) perform his activities on behalf of the Chamber without any special   powers of attorney, represent the Chamber in the relations with any juridical persons and individual citizens;

   i) the President of the Chamber is accountable to the congress of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI.



    34. The Congress of the Chamber shall elect the Auditing Commission, the numerical strength of which shall be determined by the congress from among the persons who do not enter into the membership of the Chamber's Presidium. The Auditing Commission shall   be   elected   for   a   five-year   term to check the financial-economic activities of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI the cash and assets and for control over reporting.

   The order of work of the Auditing Commission shall be approved by the Chamber’s Presidium at the proposal of the Auditing Commission.



   35. The   Azerbaijan Republic CCI possesses in basic and circulating funds buildings, structures, equipment, currency and other funds, stocks, other securities and property (including those abroad) necessary for realization its tasks specified in the Charter.

   36. The assets of the Chamber specified in para 35 are its property and according to the provisions of the Present Charter shall be managed accordingly.

   The enterprises of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall have at their disposal the assets assigned to them in the capacity of full economic ownership, in conformity with the aims and tasks stipulated by their charters.

   37.The source of funds of the Chamber shall be: the entrance and membership fees, profit from economic activities of the enterprises and institutions of the Chamber, and other earnings.

   38. The funds of the Chamber shall be directed to ensure its prescribed activities.

   39. Should any members of the Chamber withdraw from it, the paid fees shall not be returned, nor any claims to the portion of the Chamber's assets shall be accepted.

   40. The Chamber’s year of account shall be from January 1 to December 31.



    41. The decision on dissolution (reorganization) of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall be made by its congress in accordance with the legislation in force, and also in the cases which are in conformity with the legislation; may be realized by the decisions of the court and arbitration court.

   42. In case of the dissolution of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI, the assets of the CCI, after repayment of credits, unless there are no other circumstances specified by the Congress of the Chamber, shall be directed by the winding-up commission for the development of entrepreneurship in the Azerbaijan Republic.




Read 2658 times Last modified on Tuesday, 02 June 2015 07:16

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