2nd Training Course on Drought Monitoring and Prediction in ECO Region
The 2nd Training Course on Drought Monitoring and Prediction in ECO Region was held at ECO Secretariat Tehran, on 12-13 November, 2019. The course was attended by the delegations from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran (Host), the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Turkey as well as the representatives of ECO Secretariat.
The Training Course was organized with the major objective of boosting capacity building of the Member Countries and increasing know-how in various spheres of drought monitoring, seasonal forecasting and prediction in ECO Region as well as fortifying synergic and coherent cooperation among relevant organizations of the Member States within the pertinent frameworks of the Organization, including ECO Vision 2025.
During the course the lecturers have described the following subjects/issues:
i. Drought Monitoring and Early Warning System
ii. Dust and Sand Strom Early Warning system (including Characterization of dust storms in the ECO region by area of origin and Techniques and Technologies for Sand and Dust Storms Detection and Monitoring in ECO region by area of origin)
iii. Monthly forecast of precipitation Using North Americal Multi-Model Ensembel Prediction (NMME)
iv. Seasonal Forecast Toolkit (SFT)
v. Drought risk and water management in the desert belt of the region
The participants considered Training Course extremely fruitful and strongly recommended that similar capacity building activities and training programmes should continue and be convened by the Member States in future as well.
The participants also expressed appreciation to the ECO Secretariat for valuable contribution, regarding preparation of documents, as well as other notable services to facilitate the successful proceedings of the Training Course.
At conclusion of the Training Course, the participants were awarded with “Certificates of Appreciation and Completion” by H.E. Dr. Hadi Soleimanpour, the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization.