Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan H.E. Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan H.E. Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on January 24, 2020.
During his address, the President stated that three years ago Uzbekistan had entered into new era of modernization and significant milestones have been accomplished on the avenue of national development. He noted that as we are entering a decisive phase of transformation, we have to consolidate the success of last three years in order to achieve future goals at national level.
The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his address to the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis also put forward the following important initiatives:
- Promotion of humane essence of the Islamic religion, based on the noble idea of “Enlightenment against ignorance”, that it serves such noble goals as peace and friendship remains in Uzbekistan as one of the permanent issues of the agenda. This year, international scientific and practical conferences will be organized on life and scientific heritage of great hadith scholar Imam Bukhari, Abu Mansur Maturidi and his follower Abu Muin Nasafi as well as other events.
- Entrepreneurs are still faced with corruption in such areas as provision of land, cadastral, construction, customs, banking services, licensing, public procurement. Until all sectors of the society and the best specialists are not involved in the fight against corruption we will not be able to achieve our national goals. To this end, it is proposed to create a separate anti-corruption body, accountable to parliament and the President.
- Persons who arrived in Uzbekistan before 1995 and have been living in the country since then must automatically become citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This will solve the vital problem of almost 50 thousand compatriots.
- We are gradually switching to a system of purchasing cotton and grain based on market principles, eliminating the practice of state orders for procurement of these products. If we do not follow this path, our farmers will not be able to grow products freely. The State Support Fund for Agriculture will also provide affordable Ioans to other agricultural sectors.
- In 2020, the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in World War II will be widely celebrated internationally. More than 1.5 million men and women of Uzbekistan fought for peace and freedom in this bloody war and every third of them did not return home, to their families and relatives. Our people will never forget their feat, as well as dedication of those who worked in the rear. This year, attention to the issue will be further strengthened. Large-scale work is being carried out to perpetuate the heroism and steadfastness of our people during the war through art of cinema, theater, in artistic works as well as organization of scientific research. In particular, a new Victory Park to be built in Almazar district of Tashkent.
- Over the past three years, Uzbekistan has created legal foundations and broad opportunities to ensure freedom of speech, comprehensive development of mass media and free activity of journalists and bloggers. “We will continue to create all conditions for free and objective activities of representatives of the fourth power, for open coverage of intensive reforms being implemented in the country to our people and international community. I am always ready to support professional journalists, so that they reveal problems and shortcomings at places and objectively cover them", says the Head of the state.
- The President’s Address also noted the need for introducing common criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of work with young people, and a national index for evaluating youth policy. He said that Uzbekistan Youth Union would develop the Concept “Youth of Uzbekistan 2025” and determine practical measures to educate the spiritually and physically developed younger generation.
- It is necessary to clearly establish the obligation to consult with public in making decisions on the most important issues of socio-economic life of the country that are of particular interest to the population. Such decisions will only be made with the approval of public.To strengthen public control and establish closer interaction between the state and society, I propose creating a Public Chamber of the Republic o Uzbekistan, said the President.
- In 2020, a worth of100 billion soums of soft loans will be allocated for the implementation of business projects of 5.5 thousand women. Necessary resources for this will be directed to banks from the State budget. In addition, the state compensates 1,576 women for a down payment on new housing.
- The Head of the state also expressed his opinion on poverty, income, and creation of new jobs, and spoke about new projects being implemented t reduce poverty. “I have been working on this issue for a year and a half in 22 rural districts of Fergana region. We must gradually implement a project to develop modern business skills among the population in all regions.
- President forwarded a proposal to develop Small and Medium-Sized Business Project aimed at development of business entities. In accordance with it, from now on, open and reliable data on land plot and empty areas will be provided to entrepreneurs.
- In all areas of the agricultural system, experience will be introduce in providing loans at a reduced rate. At the moment, loans at a reduced rate are provided only for cotton and grain. The cultivation of cotton and grain will be gradually transferred to the cluster system. At the same time, fruit and vegetable, beekeeping, fish farming and other areas of agriculture will accelerate. This year, the volume of cultivation and export of agricultural products will reach 2 billion USD, and in the near future this figure will grow by 2-3 times, the President noted.
- President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has declared 2020 the year of the development of science, education and the digital economy.