“Let us live the Feast of Sacrifice by strengthening our solidarity and brotherhood”
30.07.2020 / Ankara- The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu celebrated the Feast of Eid al-Adha of the entire Islamic world, stressing that the holidays gain meaning by maintaining feelings of solidarity and brotherhood.
Hisarcıklıoğlu, “On this beautiful holiday day, I wish to end the pandemic shortage that surrounds the earth and reach the healthy good days again. Let's not lose our culture of sharing. Let's not forget to love each other, to understand. May brotherhood and peace prevail on earth.”
Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his message:
“Holidays are special days when love, brotherhood and sharing come to the fore. It's a day of joy. This joy only gains meaning as long as we can stand together in solidarity.
Our belief that good will defeat evil, peace will defeat war, right will defeat wrong, love will defeat hatred, make us stronger. We believe that best of men is the one who is beneficent unto others. As members of a society which has this understanding, we are happy if we can produce jobs that can benefit our country, our nation, and then all humanity, starting from our family and neighbors.
With these feelings and thoughts, on behalf of the Turkish business world, I celebrate Eid al-Adha of our nation and the entire Islamic world and hope to reach many more loving holidays.”
Source: https://www.tobb.org.tr/Sayfalar/Eng/Detay.php?rid=25834&lst=MansetListesi