Monday, 30 November 2020 11:41

Official: Iran Producing Gas Worth of 5bln Barrels of Oil

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Official: Iran Producing Gas Worth of 5bln Barrels of Oil


TEHRAN (FNA)- Head of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) Hassan Montazer Torbati said that the value of Iran’s current daily gas output is equal to nearly five million barrels of crude.

Iran’s production of natural gas has reached 900 million cubic meters (mcm) per day, Motazer Torbati said on Wednesday.

He added that increased output in Iran’s sprawling South Pars gas field had enabled the government to link more towns and villages to the national gas network in recent years.

Iranian government figures show production in South Pars, the world’s largest gas filed which is shared between Iran and Qatar in the Persian Gulf, has nearly tripled in seven years to reach over 700 mcm a day.

That has allowed Iran to link many electricity stations and manufacturing units to natural gas while saving precious fuels like gas oil for the purpose of export.

Iran’s national gas pipeline network is currently expanding to reach remote and normally deprived regions near the Eastern and Southeastern borders.


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