Training on monitoring of geographically marked products
13.01.2017 / Ankara - Inspection Training of Geographically Marked Products was carried out at the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). Attending the training program were TOBB Real Sector R&D Application Chief Fatih Soysal, Head of TSE Documentation Center Alper Veyisoğlu, TSE Food Sector Manager Nihal Sayar, Turkish Patent Institute Brand Expert Neşe İloğlu as well as Chambers / Commodity Exchanges Presidents, Secretaries General and Geographical Marker authorities.
During training information on the preparation of documents and preparation of reports on geographically marked products to be carried out by chambers and commodity exchanges, as well as information on the amendments made to the Industrial Property Law No. 6769 which was accepted and enacted by the TGNA on December 23, 2016.