“We have continued our 7-star growth and have grown double the world average”
11.06.2018 / Ankara- TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu evaluated growth figures. Hisarcıklıoğlu “After 2017, the first quarter growth rate of over 7% gave the country a morale boost; it was a source of hope and confidence. We have continued to disprove the negative expectations and forecasts with our 7-star growth performance, which is 2 times higher than the world average.”
Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his evaluation:
“The Turkish business community looks at the future, growing our country by closing its ear to all falsehoods.
Everybody should be proud of our producers, traders and industrialists with this great performance. We have once again proved what we can do, how dynamic and productive we are, despite every economic and political obstacle that we encounter.
We showed that we can overcome all obstacles through private sector-government cooperation and gave a strong message to the world.
The guarantee we provided along with historical support for financing, employment and production by our government in consultation with the business community for 250 billion TL of credit for the real sector, which our Chamber of Commodity Exchange community pioneered with TOBB Respite Credits and the Credit Guarantee Fund, enabled the gears of the economy to start turning again.
We always said Turkey will win. Turkey has never misled trust placed on it.
Those who trusted and invested in Turkey won and will continue to win. Turkey will maintain its course towards becoming a global power with high growth and strong economy.
We are determined as the Turkish business community to create a stronger economy, a stronger Turkey with more production, investment, employment and exports. We are committed to continue this growth.
With inflation and interest rates reduced to single digits, by maintaining this high growth, it will be possible to transition to high income from medium income levels.
I would also like to thank the government and the economy management for standing by our business world with the important contributions they have made to this high growth with the reforms they have been enacting.”
Source: https://tobb.org.tr/Sayfalar/Eng/Detay.php?rid=23475&lst=MansetListesi