The Sixth Project Proposal Call
The Sixth Project Call under the COMCEC Project Funding will start on September 1st, 2018
Under the COMCEC Project Funding, financial support will be provided for the projects proposed by relevant public institutions of the COMCEC Member Countries and Subsidiary, Specialized and Affiliated OIC Institutions operating in the field of economic and commercial cooperation. The project submission period will start on September 1st, 2018 and project proposals should be submitted through Online Project Submission System ( within 30 days.
Projects can be designed in one of the 6 cooperation areas of the COMCEC (agriculture, finance, poverty alleviation, transport and communications, tourism and trade) and in accordance with sectoral themes announced on the COMCEC website (
Before the submission of the project proposals, the information presented on the COMCEC website and the relevant project application documents available on the Online Project Submission System must be examined.
You may contact the COMCEC Coordination Office through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for your questions about the application process.