Joint statement from TOBB and TÜSİAD
14.08.2018 / Ankara- After consultations between TOBB and TÜSİAD, the following views regarding the economic situation have been put forth:
“The business community is adamantly committed to supporting the objectives of the economic program announced by the government and the success of the measures being taken.
We will overcome financial difficulties we have recently encountered in solidarity with our nation.
Turkey's economy has robust foundations and maintaining the capacity of real sector production and employment of the utmost importance process
We are in a sensitive period due to both global developments and internal dynamics of our national economy.
We believe that the necessary precautions should be taken in order to prevent lasting effect on the real economy and that the following steps should be taken:
- In addition to the positive steps taken by the Central Bank for liquidity management yesterday morning, a tighter monetary policy be passed in order to achieve stabilization,
- Announcement of the fiscal policy, which includes the austerity measures to support tight monetary policy, as soon as possible,
- Preparing a concrete road map that is reassuring to reduce inflation permanently,
- The re-affirmation of our relations with our most important economic partner, the European Union,
- Urgently solve existing problems between the USA and Turkey through within the framework of strategic partnership.
As the business community, we believe that with the implementation of necessary measures, our economy will rebalance and quickly return to its sustainable growth process.