ACCI leadership meets Kabul governor for Millions Lost in Electronics Market Fire
03 November 2018 14:57 - A fire broke out on Thursday night at about 6pm in Khairkhwa Market in Nadir Pashtun Street in Kabul’s PD1. Three busy shopping centers and numerous shops in the immediate area were gutted.
ACCI leadership & Kabul governor both sides togather met with shopkeepers & representatives of khairkhwa markets, on 3th November 2018, they discussed the disease and loss with representative and shopkeepers that happened due to fire, both sides pledged to make a mechanism by its view they can analysis and manage the losses.
Mr. Alhaj Mohammad Younas momand vice chairman of commercial of ACCI welcomed the Kabul governor and representatives of markets and showed his deepest concerns related to event.
Mr. Momand appreciated the tradespeople and representatives of markets for stopping the protest in Nadir Pashton Street by request of ACCI leadership.
“The government of Afghanistan should provide compensation for those shopkeepers who gutted and damaged in massive fire so, they restart their businesses again” said momand.
Afterwards, the tradespeople and markets representatives complained about fire fighters they didn’t come on time & couldn’t recovered the fire, they wished from ACCI leadership members and government to pay attention for their problems give them the compensations because The financial loss is very high.
In conclusion, Mr. Mohammad Yaqoub Haidary governor of Kabul province, as delegation of government he presented the pity and worry of President Dr. Ashraf Ghani and chief executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah related to event and losses.
“Government will pay compensation for those tradespeople who damaged and gutted in massive fire” said Haidary
Yqoub Haidary requested from tradespeople and representatives of markets to share their information and ideas related to lost, “this can pave way to make acceptable mechanism to analysis the losses then government will take decision on how to and to whom pay the compensation” said Hairdary.