Sunday, 11 November 2018 18:27

Afghanistan jumped 16 grade above according to World Bank DBI survey

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Afghanistan jumped 16 grade

Afghanistan jumped 16 grade above according to World Bank DBI survey

31 October 2018 08:29 - World Bank in their recent report announced, that Afghanistan in DBI (Doing Business Indicators) ranking is better than last years. On 31th October 2018 Mr. Ajmal Ahmadi president advisor in finance & banking affairs and Mr. Atiqullah Nusrat CEO of Afghanistan chamber of commerce & industries announced this issue in a press conference held at GMIC (Government Media & Information Center)

Mr. Ajmal Ahmadi said “Afghanistan’s ranking in Doing Business—a World Bank report that measures business regulations across 190 economies—jumped up from 183 in 2018 to 167 in 2019 and he says, this achievement wouldn’t be possible without private sector engagement, and as well some government reforms and actions which has been conducted in this regard, such as – business registry, licensing, SMEs support, insolvency procedures and access to finance was the key elements that changed Afghanistan ranking in current report.

Mr. Atiqullah Nusrat, congrats this achievement to the people & private sector of Afghanistan and said current betterment in the ranking of Afghanistan in DBIs was the result concrete reforms and measures was taken by the National Unity government of Afghanistan and added, DBIs could play a big role and it shows the economic development of each country in contrast to each others, and it also play an essential role in attracting foreign investors, every single foreign investors prior to start business in a country, they will approach to DBIs ranking of that specific state to find out, if it’s a reliable place of their business and investment destination or not.

Mr. Nusrat, said” Afghanistan jumped to 16 grade above according to doing business indicators and it’s a remarkable achievement in economic affairs, and it’s the result of government and privates sector proper cooperation and implementation of private sector 11 priorities, he added  bringing simplicity in the process of licensing, establishment of ACBR in the capital and provinces caused the ranking of Afghanistan to improve from 107th to 49th in it’s related indicator, investment support, approval of new insolvency law in order to  simplify the procedure of related disputes as well changed relevant ranking from 160th to 74th grades and relatively the ranking of Afghanistan in access to finance indicators has been promoted from 105th position to 99th grades, since some reforms taken place in this section.

He said” the above implemented reforms caused Afghanistan to get the highest scores, among 190 countries in the world”.


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