Saturday, 12 January 2019 17:01

Caspian International Realty and Investment Fair

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Caspian International Realty and Investment Fair

To: All Member Chambers  

Subject: Caspian International Realty and Investment Fair,

From:  State Committee on Property Issues of Azerbaijan Republic, Embassy in Ankara Republic of Azerbaijan.

 General Secretariat of ECO CCI presents its best compliments to the Honorable Member Chambers and would like to inform that Caspian International Realty and Investment Fair scheduled to be held from 20 to 22 February 2019 at Baku Expo Center. As It was known, The 6th meeting of heads of privatization agencies of member states of the Economic Cooperation Organization hosted by Republic of Azerbaijan - State Committee on Property Issues in Baku. Addressing the meeting, head of Azerbaijan's State Committee on Property Issues Mr. Karam Hasanov highlighted reforms carried out in Azerbaijan under the leadership of President H.E. Ilham Aliyev. Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization H.E. Dr. Hadi Soleimanpour, high-level representatives from 10 ECO member countries, including ambassadors of these countries to Azerbaijan as well as ECO CCI and the Federation of Pakistan CCI  attended the event. 25-26 October,2018.

 This is the major annual event in the field of real estate attended by local and foreign developers, high qualified key professionals of various real property sectors, investors and representatives of state structures. The purpose of the fair is to turn it into the international forum to enable all participants to establish direct contacts with their target audience, to present their products and services and provide the opportunity of international experience exchange.


 Real Estate Projects in Azerbaijan

Foreign Real Estate Projects

Developer Agents

Investment companies

Design and architecture bureaus

Construction Companies

State Structures Related to RE Sector

Finance organizations, banks


Mapping services

Information Technology for RE Sector

Other services for RE Sector


 In this regard, It would be highly appreciated if your esteemed Chamber could kindly encourage for the participation of the business people in your country to the Caspian International Realty and Investment Fair.

Please do not hesitate to contact at any time with State Committee on Property Issues of Azerbaijan Republic  (Mr. Azer Bayramov, Tel: +994124902408 ext:333, e- mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
web:  )  or ECO CCI Secretariat.

Read 794 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 January 2019 17:23