TOBB and The Investment Promotion and Protectıon Agency of The Kyrgyz Republic Signed Cooperation Agreement
21.02.2019- Director of The Investment Promotion and Protectıon Agency of The Kyrgyz Republic (IPPA) Mr. Shumkarbek Adilbek Uulu paid a visit to Republic of Turkey, Istanbul and Ankara, the days between 20-21 February 2019.
Mr Uulu and his delegation visited the Union of the Chambers and Commodity Exchange of Turkey (TOBB ) on 21 February 2019 in Ankara and met TOBB Board Member Treasurer Mr. Faik Yavuz.
During the meeting, investment opportunities in the Kyrgyz Republic were presented the director of IPPA. Mr. Faik Yavuz, gave information about the TOBB, TOBB’s activities and Turkish economy to the Kyrgyz delegation
In addition, the proposals of the Economic Cooperation Organization Chamber of Commerce and Industry were also evaluated during the meeting and memorandum of understanding between two organizations were signed.