Wednesday, 27 February 2019 10:04

AO Euro Asia 2005 is the winner at the International..

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AO Euro Asia 2005 is

AO Euro Asia 2005 is the winner at the International Exhibition for Food, Beverages and Food Raw Materials Prodexpo 2019

25.02.2019- With the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan, under the leadership of Mukhamedzhonov Muhammadjon, Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Sughd Region, food manufacturers – the CCI RT members: LLC Nurfood, CJSC Euro Asia 2005, LLC Saho i K and LLC Tavkhid Va Companiya participated in the 26th International Exhibition for Food, Beverages and Food Raw Materials Prodexpo 2019 in Moscow.
 It should be noted that this Exhibition is the largest exhibition for food. It was attended by over 2500 companies from 69 countries, such as: Belarus, Georgia, Turkey, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, India, Germany, the People’s Republic of China, the Netherlands, Uzbekistan, Uruguay and many other countries.
 During the Exhibition, an international competition “The Best Product-2019” was held and the products of LLC “Euro Asia 2005”, in particular the mineral water “Havatag” and “Lemonade No.1”, were nominated as best drinking water by the jury. Therefore, LLC “Euro Asia 2005” was awarded an honorary diploma and awarded the Gold Star and the Gold Medal of the competition.


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