Saturday, 06 July 2019 11:38

Launch of the UNDP/CCI joint project “Enhancing..

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Launch of the UNDP

Launch of the UNDP/CCI joint project “Enhancing the adaptation and strengthening the resilience of farming to Climate Change Risks in Fergana Valley”

On June 25, 2019, there was a grand opening ceremony of the project “Enhancing the adaptation and strengthening the resilience of farming to Climate Change Risks in Fergana Valley”, which is being implemented jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the UNDP in Uzbekistan with the financial support of the Trust Fund “Russia – UNDP Trust Fund for Development”.

Agriculture is an important sector of the economy and significant source of income, as well as food supplier for rural residents living in Uzbekistan. Diversification of agricultural production, the effective integration of farmers into modern value chains and increasing their financial sustainability - all of them require high attention from the government, building capacity in modern technological methods of farming and introducing innovative solutions, including those that help farmers and households to adapt to increasing impacts of climate change, develop value chains and institutionalize the state support.

The new project aims to institutionalize the integrated services for agricultural producers that will help them in adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

To promote the export potential of agricultural producers, in particular, in the Fergana Valley, by increasing their resilience to climate change and export skills, the project will carry out its activities in two directions: 1) increasing the capacity of regional administrations in analyzing the impact of climate change on agro production and integrating climate change issues in the local and sectoral development process; 2) work with local farmers in order to improve the system of efficiency of agricultural practices and the rational use of natural resources.

In the priority tasks of the project, the following aspects will be considered: improvement of measures for management and implementation of adaptation methods in agriculture; capacity building for the development and application of adaptation measures; ensuring access of farmers, farms and rural populations to advanced technologies and infrastructure to respond to the risks of climate change; promotion of environmentally friendly technologies and production methods.

Close cooperation of the project with international and national partners and its implementation will make a significant contribution to job creation, income generation opportunities, including in remote regions through the improvement of the private sector and the expansion of agriculture.

The project to improve the sustainability and adaptation of farms to the risks of climate change will provide the conditions for the successful development of the modern economy of the country.

The joint initiative of UNDP and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be implemented in accordance with the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, as well as with the global UNDP activities implemented to assist countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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