The Chamber of commerce and industry renders a number of expert and inspection services, advice on foreign-economic activity, customs broker services, examination of origin, services on estimation of the customs good cost. The list of services is maximum full and in fact appears as the entire spectrum of services for business:
- Examination of the quantity, quality and complexity of the imported and exported goods, materials and equipment;
- Examination of the goods origin;
- Confirmation of the market cost of the imported and exported goods for customs and taxation;
- Determination of the good’s code by the international standards of the foreign-economic activity;
- Preloading inspection;
- Independent estimation of quality of the damaged and out-of-date assets;
- Examination of the fact of industrial processing;
- Witnessing of the force-majeure circumstances;
- Witnessing about the belonging to the domestic producers;
- Running of the register of reliable enterprises;
- Confirmation of the invoices, foreign trade documents;
- Estimation activity (real estate, equipment, transport means, caused damage, intellectual, business and etc.);
- Development and assisting in trade mark registration;
- Translation services;
- Visa support;
- Assisting in organizing of exhibitions, fairs, business-forums and conferences, diplomatic missions, seminars;
- Information services on business partner search, goods and services search among Kazakhstani and foreign enterprises;
- Participation at virtual exhibitions, issuing of the information bulletin, “Kazpal” magazine;
- Marketing research;
- Products certification;
- Interaction with local and central organs;
Consulting services on organization of business and its conducting, considering of arbitrage disputes.
New services:
Further expansion of the business functions and possibilities of the CCI are being planned:
- Creation of the support centers for small-scale and medium-scale business as well as legal support centers in all regions of the country;
- Creation of the information system for entrepreneurship support, system of the distance consulting on the basis of support centers;
- Acceptance of the system Carnet ATA for the temporary import of the goods for exhibitions, professional equipment and other purposes as well as other international pared-down commercial procedures;
- Improvement of the system of control and protection of the consumer from the import of low-quality products and infringing merchandises;
- Services on introduction of the management quality system at enterprises, state organs and national companies;
- Creation of the particularized enterprises and structures of the CCI of Kazakhstan to accomplish the inspection fairs and information activity, that act according to the international standards.
The Chamber of commerce and industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan endows sizeable contribution to coming-to-be and development of the economics of the country.
Within 2004 there were rendered services to 40 000 enterprises, were organized 48 diplomatic business missions for 2157 Kazakhstani and 727 foreign enterprises, was fulfilled the examination of the number of legislative acts of the RK, were conducted seminars for more than 1500 people in Kazakhstan, 32 managers from domestic enterprises have studied and passed the practice at the leading European enterprises by the CCI.
The CCI has given a good account of itself as the convenient supplier of professional services for enterprises of different spheres as well as the reliable counteragent for foreign chambers-partners. The activity of the CCI involves all regions of Kazakhstan and is provided with enough organizational and personnel recourses.
The CCIs submit the information on partners search, commercial information on trade, references on prices, information about exhibitions, held in Kazakhstan and abroad, consulting on import-export and other issues.
Membership at the chambers in Kazakhstan is voluntary. Members of the chambers have the right to take part in general meetings, to elect and to be elected to the managing organs of the chambers, to obtain help from the chamber in matters, concerning its activity, to make use of chamber’s services free of charge or on preferential terms.
The regional CCIs actively take part in projects on support of small-scale businesses as well as in projects of international organizations on entrepreneurship development. For example, the Karaganda CCI has issued the package of methodical recommendations on business creation and running. The North-Kazakhstani CCI jointly with Omsk CCI has issued the series of collections – methodical recommendations on boundary trade for businessmen of both countries.
The participant of the foreign-economical activity needs to be protected and to get a legal help in time when conducting operations on the external market. The chambers help entrepreneurs to carry out the independent examination of the goods received from foreign counteragents. The expertise results can be used for the claim for reimbursement, connected with non-execution of the agreement obligations. The area of application of this services is expanded recently, namely, the expertise is carried out for tax, customs, insurance purposes and currency control. The certified experts of the system are engaged to this work. Names of the experts are included to the national register “CCI Expert” and to the international register “CCI Expert CIS”. Today 230 people work at the CCI of Kazakhstan, who is known as highly qualified experts with appropriate certificates and licenses, including international.
Services on witnessing of force-majeure circumstances, verification of different documents on foreign trade, submitting of certificates about including to the Register of reliable partners for foreign partners have a great significance for entrepreneurs.
International court of arbitration and the arbitration tribunal attached to the Union of the CCI of the RK consider disputes and conflicts, which appear in the process of economic activity, including foreign trade and other international interaction. The disputes are considered if there is an arbitral stipulation in the contract or there is a separate agreement between parties about the delivering to the Board of arbitration.
Objectivity and candour are the main principles of the lawyers’ work of the Union when considering of the international and internal economical disputes.
The chambers take an active part in work with the state organs. The UCCI of the RK has signed the memorandum on expertise of the goods origin with the Customs Control Committee, the agreement on expertise of the goods origin with the Gosstandard organ. The CCI takes an active part with the Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Industry and Trade in the area of foreign-economic ties.
The Union of the CCI of the RK is the member of the Commission under the Government by the matters of small-scale and medium-scale business and the member of the Advisory Council by the customs policy under the Customs Control Committee. Regional Chambers cooperate with the Departments on small-scale business development, on external affairs and trade under the Akimats of oblast and cities.