Sunday, 25 June 2017 10:37

Uzbekistan president visited a small industrial zone

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Uzbekistan president visited

Uzbekistan president visited a small industrial zone

23.06.2017 - Shavkat Mirziyoyev, The head of Uzbekistan state got acquainted with projects of organization of a small industrial zone in «Fargona mekhanika zavodi” LLC (Fergana mechanical plant), production of new products.

The total area of ​​ Fergana mechanical plant is 36, 1 hectares, of which the production area is 9, 9 hectares. Currently, the company produces 36 types of industrial products and 31 kinds of consumer goods, 330 people are employed.

A small industrial zone is being created here in order to provide entrepreneurs with preferential conditions for empty buildings and facilities of enterprise, expanding production of products competitive in domestic and foreign markets, creating new workplaces.

It is planned to produce 300 tons of antifreeze, 200 tons of liquid for washing windows, 10 thousand pieces of brake pads in the industrial zone per year. Full involvement of this project worth 38,5 billion sums is planned for the third quarter of 2018. 45 percent of the output will be exported.

Two hundred workplaces will be created at the first stage of the project. Additional workplaces will be created on the basis of market requirements.

“Madad” LLC presented a project on production of cisterns for liquefied gas and trailers for transportation of agricultural products.

The cost of the project is 40 billion sums, of which 30 billion sums is a loan from “Kapitalbank”, the rest is the company’s own funds.

Hundred workplaces will be created in 2018 in the company. In 2020, it is planned to raise the export volumes to 1,5 million dollars per year.

The president examined products of this enterprise. He noted the need to expand production of devices and trailers for supplying liquefied gas to consumers, orienting products to the foreign market.

Demand for energy is increasing as a result of dynamic development of the economy of our country. Fergana polytechnic institute in cooperation with industrial enterprises of the region offers a project of scientific-production enterprise Micro-HPS.

Micro-HPS, according to the international classification, is a hydropower device with a power from 0,1 kW to 100 kW, which mainly consists of hydro turbine, belt and reducer transmitters and asynchronous generator. Micro-HPS is characterized by ecological purity, simplicity, price availability, simplified process of technological development and operation. The project envisages the organization of micro-HPS production and their implementation in practice, training of hydropower specialists in Fergana polytechnic institute.

Proceeding from these tasks, two experimental micro HPSs with a capacity of 50 kW were installed by scientists of the Institute jointly with “Fargonaazot” JSC and Margilan tractor repair enterprise in Margilansai, which is situated in the territory of the city of Fergana, where they are tested in experimental test mode. The electricity received from micro-HPS is used in lighting the street of Kashtanzor, the hall of celebrations “Margilonsoy” and the territory of “Hamkorbank”.

Hydrological characteristics of mountain streams and channels flowing through the territory of the region have been studied in cooperation with specialists of water management branch of Fergana region, and at the first stage, it is planned to install micro-HPS in 230 places at a capacity of 50 kW. With implementation of this project, the power generated from the micro-HPS will become 2 percent of the electricity consumed per year. This means that 17 billion sums will be saved per year.

The head of our state noted that this project is a vivid example of introduction of scientific achievements into practice, gave recommendations on increasing the output of micro-HPSs and their consistent implementation in other regions.

Projects were presented on production of paint and varnish products, devices for cutting metal and concrete by the company “Osiyo olmos fayz”, production of gypsum board, PVC granules, PVC film and plastic products by the company “Turon mega fayz”, men’s, women’s and children’s footwear by the joint enterprise “Uzsalaman”, production of filtering materials of industrial dust, frame parts of greenhouse by the enterprise “Big building capital group”, as well as targeted program of the joint concern “Uzfarmsanoat” on development in the field of pharmaceutical industry in 2017-2018.

The President of our country expressed his views on all projects, emphasized the need to focus on their further improvement, accelerating the process of implementation, creating new workplaces.


Read 1876 times Last modified on Sunday, 25 June 2017 10:38

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