2018/6/4- The Russian consulting company Strategy Partners Group will assist Uzbekistan in developing the draft Strategy for the Development of Agriculture through to 2030.
It is stipulated by the draft government resolution developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan. As noted in the document, the disparate planning in the agricultural sector and the lack of an effective mechanism for interaction between the authorized bodies led to a dilution of responsibility for the decisions made and the achievement of concrete results in the sphere.
These problems have led to low efficiency in the use of production and resource potential, as well as negative factors that hamper the diversification and modernization of the industry, the introduction of advanced innovative and resource-saving technologies.
Intensive use of land and non-compliance with the principles of rational consumption of resources led to a salinity of 45% of the irrigated territory. Due to the lack of focus on export development, the country has not yet developed infrastructure and a system for promoting products abroad, while the markets of individual countries are closed to Uzbek products with high added value due to protectionism policies.
An additional constraint is the difficulty in creating the necessary volumes of supply for large importers. This is due to the high fragmentation of agricultural producers in the country. In addition, products with low added value predominate in their portfolio, while productivity and productivity are still inferior to advanced foreign nations.
The Ministry of Agriculture together with the Strategy Partners Group should complete the development of the draft Agricultural Development Strategy by December 31, 2018.
It should contain measures for stable growth of added value of manufactured products, increase in volumes, as well as geographical and product diversification of exports, ensuring food and environmental security, increasing the efficiency of the industry and further increasing per capita income and the quality of life of the rural population.
As a result of the implementation of the strategy, according to experts, Uzbekistan should become one of the leaders of Central Asia in the export of high-quality food and light industry products that rationally use and constantly develop labor, water and land resources